Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Forever 21~

like this little lace dress so much.. *.*
not so expensive also!!
gonna buy you when i got the S body shape!
hahah... (dreaming~~ x.x)
big arm, tummy and pimples pls shu shu!!! zz

earing fever!

teng teng teng teng~

these are part of my earing.. hehe =D
i'm a earing lover, since...one year ago?
and most of my earing aren't expensive at all. the price are from RM1.50 to rm15
only two pairs of them are RM29.90-39.90
quite cheap right?

probably i need to buy more? to fill full this little shelf... =.=
no way la... someone gonna ask me "money hen duo hor?" =p

Sunday, August 9, 2009

ruined face

i went to the the beauty salon today, the one i used to go before.
once i step into the salon, the girl who always do the facial for me,
she asked me very kin jiong
"since when ur face become like this?"
walao eh.... need so big reaction meh? =.=
my face very scary meh baru?
haha.. then i just answered her " I dont know... two weeks ago like that?"

and then she bring me to the room,started to do facial..
guess how long i was lie down there... 3 hours!!!
i think i fall asleep two times... beh tahan!

My face become very sensitive recently.. a lot of pimples on my cheek.
my mom always laugh at me, " waa,not bad what, like china baby.. the cheek red red.."
the baby one is naturally red and healthy, mine is the skin problem!!! T.T

before i go back, i showed her my skin care products..
kanebo facial foam, mary kay toner, kanebo whitening cream, and the mask im selling. ^^

hmm guess what.. i cannot use the toner and the cream anymore,since my skin is stil young =D
no la.. actually i dun need those things yet.
and im ok with the mask, the mask can mantain my skin smoothly and moisturize.
then she gave me one bottle of pimples cream and one bottle of cream mask..
woohoo~~ i like free gift!! hahaha...
anutie mia pattern..zz

yea,so i only can use the medicement stuff, and facial foam, and the wodexinji mask.

good also. can save money! ahah
peace!! =D

Saturday, August 8, 2009




疯了。。 夜间学校吗? X.X
听说夜间学校会有鬼的呢! =.=


好吧。。 既然那么抗拒女儿要回家,我也无语了。。



Friday, August 7, 2009

P!NK rockxx

first of all. the p!nk i mention above wasn't the colour PINK..
i dun like pink, pink makes me SICK!!! x.x
yea, because of the song "please don't leave me", i start to addicted to this singer!
she is so cute & cool!!! ( i want to be like her. =p)
Alecia moore is her real name, she is 30.

here is some random photos of her... enjoy!! ~.~

"Please Don't leave me"
I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?
Da da da, da da

I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces
But my heart is broken
Da da da, da da

Please don't leave me
Please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

How did I become so obnoxious?
What is it with you that makes me act like this?
I've never been this nasty
Da da da, da da

Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But baby I don't mean it
I mean it, I promise
Da da da, da da

Please don't leave me
Oh please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

I forgot to say out loud how beautiful you really are to me
I cannot be without, you're my perfect little punching bag
And I need you, I'm sorry
Da da da, da da

Da da da da, da da da da
Da da da, da da
Please, please don't leave me
(Da da da, da da)

Baby please don't leave me
(Da da da, da da)
No, don't leave me
Please don't leave me no no no

You say I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back
It's gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

Please don't leave me, oh no no no.
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this

Please don't leave me
Baby, please, please don't leave me

**ThamJunWei, please don't leave me.. or else..
it will end up like this...
haha.... Joking!!
i knew u wil not leave me.. muackk!!

台湾(女人我最大)推荐的 *我的心机面膜*
i have about 130 ready stock on my hand now.
RM3.45 / pcs
buy 10 at RM33
buy more and get more discounts from me!! =D

1.Q10膠原蛋白面膜 : 胶原蛋白可以加倍促进肌肤弹力提升;Q10让肌肤紧致有弹力.拥有加倍嫩肤保湿能力,肌肤光滑亮丽,让你维持年轻与活力,保有健康美丽.

2.頂級玻尿酸面膜 : 刺激并促进皮肤细胞再生,玻尿酸含高效率的保湿能力。能有效預防肌膚老化,膚色黯淡、鬆弛。

4. 淨化調理面膜 : 具有收斂肌膚、抑制油脂分泌之功用,改善油腻不洁肌肤,收检粗大毛孔。並添加高效保濕因子,為肌膚補充大量水分,改善肌肤粗糙现象.

5.角質深層清潔面膜 : 安抚,镇定,预防粉刺。加速肌膚新陳代謝,更新老廢角質,促進有效成分吸收, 全方位改善肌膚問題,使肌膚保持晶瑩剔透,白皙自然的膚色. 适合膚色暗淡者使用。

6.葡萄籽多酚抗氧活化面膜 : 使肌膚明亮、緊緻有彈性長期使用能延緩細紋滋生有很好的保溼效果,能留住肌膚水分, 減緩乾性肌膚缺水乾燥的現象,重現飽滿豐潤的膚質,精華液成分, 讓肌膚水嫩嫩,光滑的留不住細紋.

7.茶薏仁嫩白淨痘面膜 : 抗氧化,恢復肌膚光澤晶亮,可修復肌膚,回復亮麗光采.改善脫屑性皮膚、皮膚粗糙现象。可使肌膚達到保濕的效果使肌膚呈現極佳的光滑及亮麗光采。

11.蠶絲蛋白緊緻面膜 : 促進膠原蛋白的生成,加速肌膚傷口的癒合速度、增加肌膚彈性.對抗自由基的形成及避免紫外線對肌膚造成的傷害.更添加了玻尿酸,改善肌膚缺水現象.使保養後的肌膚清爽不油膩,更加柔嫩細緻!!

14.頂級左旋C淨白面膜 : 迅速改善皮膚晦暗、粗糙、乾澀等問題,含高純度的左旋維他命C成分,可拒絕黑色素沉澱,促進血液循環減少皺紋,使肌膚展現出青春的光澤,防止皮膚細胞受損老化,具緊膚除皺的作用經由生化美白還原作用。

15.珍珠粉蛋白海洋精華亮白面膜 : 提升肌膚活力,保持肌膚的水份及彈性. 特別推薦乾燥無彈性膚質使用。可使肌膚維持極佳的保水度, 可使水份不流失外,亦極有滋潤度,敷後如絲緞般柔滑.

16.綠茶多酚草本抗痘面膜 : 能軟化角質、控制皮脂活性,調節油脂分泌,緊實、收斂粗大毛孔,預防及改善面皰肌膚。有很好的美白效果。可預防皮膚鬆弛、去除活性酸素、青春痘、保護弱膚質預防有害物質侵入。

19.十五胜肽胺基酸晶鑽面膜 : 能阻断神经传导, 使肌肉细胞呈现放松状态. 有效舒缓并抰制细纹及皱纹周边肌肉的收缩与活动. 帮助肌肤弹性组织回复柔顺平滑的线条, 减少脸部细纹..

23.燕窩膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜 : 给肌肤双重滋润,能预防干燥,粗糙老化现象产生.能改善及更生肤质,供给肌肤养分,活化肌肤,加强代谢功能,并预防细小皱纹,增加肌肤之弹性..

24.高麗人參面膜:添加紅人蔘等植物精華,使肌膚能充分吸收養分紅人蔘所含的微量元素,可潤澤肌膚加上高含量玻尿酸後,更是擁有保濕滋潤力,肌膚更為光滑柔嫩及保濕能適度補充肌膚所需營養,改善粗糙、缺水、龜裂等現象,促進更持久的嫩白膚色防止乾燥而產生皺紋, 肌膚由內而外自然展現出晶瑩而亮麗的光彩重新展現年輕肌膚的柔滑感覺和彈性 !


hiak hiak..
i'm currently doing a underground pieces,shhhh...
okay,i would like to tell u a little bit about this thing..
It's a birthday present for someone...

since He is going to give me 7 presents!!! =.=

nah nah.. dun say i selfish.. show u abit here...

okay,that's all i can show..

chiaozzz =p

It's 50kg!!!!!

Hi everybody, say peace to 50KG!!!

yup yup,i reched 50kg finally...
my weight was always around 46-47kg since i was in sec school..
but guess what,i reached 50kg!!
T.T help~~~
well,it's holiday. i supposed to enjoy mom's cooking.. haih..
mommy,dun sayang me too much la... i'm like a balloon already!!!

the photo below is when i got 48kg? 49kg? or 50kg?

haih... big arms, carrot leg, and panda waist!!
hahaha.. chill =D
was testing the little black dress, for my cousin's wedding, at i didn't buy at the end. my sister did.

ignore my ugly face =.=

Thursday, July 2, 2009

new member^^

allow me to do a quick post before i go to class!

here is our new family memebr!!
sze sze...~
hehe.. My sister told me that day wawa and szesze was playing around, then wawa kick her!
dont know wawa was purposely or not.... (envy?) hahah


sze sze

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

grow old with me..
·° °·°°°°°    





不需要任何理由,只是牽牽他 / 她的手...

